California Can Transform Live Event Ticketing to Work for Fans.

We Support Legislative Solutions that Increase Competition and Empower Fans:

Increase Competition

Solutions must remove ticket sale exclusivity and opens the live event marketplace to competition. Instead of one company controlling it all, multiple partners will compete for your business.

Improve the Fan Experience & Lower Fees

Solutions must give fans a choice about where to shop. Competition will incentivize ticket sellers to improve the fan experience through better service, more transparency, and lower fees.

Empower Fans

Solutions must give fans control over the tickets they have rightfully purchased, creating the right for consumers to gift, donate, or sell their tickets at their discretion.

Fight Bots and Fraud

Solutions must allow every ticket sold or resold by participating retail platforms to be verified by a single source to help address:

Get The Facts

Empower Fans Fact Sheet

Empower Fans Policy Principles

Live Nation/ Ticketmaster Monopoly

Empower Fans

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